Name Of Innovator | Organisation

Robin Hofmann


As Creative Director, Robin Hofmann drives HearDis! pioneering Audio Branding positioning. His genuine curiosity and eager imagination to always challenge the status quo, makes of Robin a natural Out-The-Box thinker committed to deliver singular solutions.

Robin is a music enthusiast at heart with an extensive know-how of the music industry acquired during his action-packed international DJ career and the years that followed successfully running his own record label. While thriving as a music producer, Robin becomes fascinated by the influence visuals have on thoughts, emotions and actions and decides to concurrently enter the world of communication design. He then begins consulting companies active in retail on their marketing strategies, often including voluntary music-related tips - which proved invaluable to his clients on every occasion. At this point, the idea of HearDis! is conceived, together with co-founder Felix Haaksman: to enhance marketing efforts by making brands audibly distinctive and memorable.

Inherent to his character, Robin's passion and positive frame of mind have been key to steadily establish HearDis! as a leading reference in the Audio Branding sector, with the company now active since 2005. Robin's inventiveness and resourcefulness facilitate new business and promote enduring relationships with high end clients, such as Hugo Boss, Mercedes-Benz, Vitra, Porsche Design and many more. His tenacity and ethics never cease to impress and inspire a team of diverse professionals, entirely devoted to Robin’s ambitious undertaking.   

Robin is a relentless visionary with an urge to dream big. A multifaceted expert, Robin is a versatile leader able to promptly foresee and adapt to industry trends: on the lookout for gaining a competitive edge and further boost standards in Audio Branding, Robin framed the genesis of the research and innovation project ABC_DJ, which attracted leading research institutes (IRCAM, TU Berlin, Sinus-Marktforschung) and was subsequently granted a 3.6M funding by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme. With a dogma that cherishes knowledge sharing for the betterment of unjust and intricate business practices, Robin is currently devising novel business ideas that - by implementing the groundbreaking tools developed through ABC_DJ - can elevate the Audio Branding industry as we know it and this way deliver the next level brand experience.

Recognised today as an expert in the fields of future of retail, brand experience, AI & creativity and in-store music, Robin is regularly invited to speak at international industry events and conferences and to host workshops for companies or seminars at specialised educational institutions.

Innovation | USP

HearDis! is the sole player in the market to offer a comprehensive audio branding that benefits all touchpoints of a company: physical presence, online presence, TV, radio, cinema, mobile, corporate, workspace and more. At the core of HearDis! unique audio branding approach are intuitive and smart tools that companies can integrate in their branding strategy to optimise internal workflows and marketing endeavours. In doing so, HearDis! enhances the omni-channel experience and brand perception of companies, elevating their value proposition to end customers.

Awards | Prizes

Won funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement № 688122

Awarded status of Key Innovator by the European Commission

Won funding from IGP - Innovation program for business models and pioneering solutions

Number Of Employees
  • 06/02/2005 00:00
Operating Status
Type Of Innovator
Company & Contact Information
  • Contact Person
    Silvia Chiesa
  • Contact Email
  • Phone Number
    +49 30 22 502 778 10
  • Homepage

Christophstraße 6, 70178 Stuttgart, Germany